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CASA volunteers appointed to a case can provide more consistency to a child. Research shows that having a stable relationship with a supportive adult can help children who have experienced trauma do well, even when they have faced significant hardships.


A child in foster care with a committed CASA volunteer is:

  • Half as likely to re-enter the foster care system

  • More likely to succeed in school

  • More likely to find a safe, permanent home

  • Less likely to enter the juvenile justice system

  • Less likely to have multiple foster placements

  • More likely to access services that promote healing


With almost 200 children in foster care in Carroll County, the need for more CASA volunteers is significant. Too many children in the child welfare system lose their families, their rights, and their hope. With support from caring community members like you, we can ensure that every child who has experienced abuse or neglect has an advocate fighting for them.


Will you support our vision of a community where every abused or neglected child is given the opportunity to thrive in a safe and loving home? Will you become a Friend of CASA today?


Let A Kid be a Kid Fund

Every child served by Carroll County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), has experienced abuse and neglect and has been placed in foster care. Often, they are living in an unfamiliar place and going to a new school. They may have to make new friends or adjust to a new family. Through no fault of their own, their entire life has been turned upside down. 

All kids just want to be kids. Children in foster care are no exception. They don't want to be known as "the foster kid." They don't want you to know about the abuse and trauma they experienced, but instead they want you to know about their favorite video game or how excited they are for their ballet recital or summer camp.

At Carroll County CASA, we believe that children in foster care deserve to have experiences like every other kid. When they participate in pro-social activities, celebrate birthdays and holidays, or shop for new clothing, they feel like every other kid and not just the "foster kid." For this reason, we started our "Let a Kid be a Kid" fund. Below is a breakdown of how your funds could help! 

$20 Provides a child with necessary sanitary and full sized toiletry items needed.

$50 Help a child in foster care by providing them with school supplies and pay for school dues/club fees.

$100 Children that come into DFCS custody often only have the clothes on their back. Help provide a foster child with new clothes suitable for the season.

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Donate Any Amount

Donate $20

Donate $50

Donate $100

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Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday, is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in the United States. It is routed as a "global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world by donating to those organizations that support/advocate for a greater cause. Advocating for foster children also involves supporting CASA volunteers. Without our CASA volunteers none of the work we do would be possible. We strive to recruit and train well equipped volunteers to advocate for children in foster care. Your contribution will help us: 


Recruit additional CASA volunteers through engagement activities 

Provide training meals for CASA training classes 

Provide volunteers with gas cards to drive long distances to see their foster children 

Host volunteer appreciation events for current volunteers


Giving Tuesday

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Other Ways to Support

You can also give back just by adding us as a charitable donation to your everyday shopping. Click the links below to add us!




Search for “Carroll County Casa, Inc.” under charities at

*In order for your order to count, you must use Amazon Smile*






Kroger Rewards

Search for "Carroll County Casa, Inc." at



Special thank you to our sponsors who have contributed $500 or more

Addison Smith 

Agape Sunday School

Archstone, Inc.

Byron and Linda Madden 

Carroll EMC

Carrollton Dawnbreakers 

Carrollton Orthopedic

Dana and Tee Reeve 

Dr. Howard and Jana Seeman 

Dr. Jeff and Lori Lindsey 

Dr. Karen Curtis 

Dr. Kevin & Kim McLaughlin

Dr. Wendee McGuffee, DVM 

First Methodist Church 


Hightower Funeral Homes

John and Dea Baxter 

Judge & Mrs.Tom Parmer 

Kiwanis Club of Fairfield

Law Office of John B. Jackson 

Milton and Susan Berry 

Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert and Sandra Huey

Mr. & Mrs. Harry and Jackie Preston 

Mr. & Mrs. Tom and Patsy Upchurch

Mr. Craig Worland

Mr. Mark Foster 

Mr.  & Mrs. Dave & Lisa Knight

Parian Law 

Patricia Shriver 

Peach State Turf Care 




Tanner Health System 

Tisinger Vance PC Attorneys at Law

United Community Bank 

West Georgia Electric

West Georgia Foundation 

West Georgia Technical College 

Worlds Away Travel Partners, LLC 

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In Person

Office hours: M-F 9 am-5 pm

or call an appointment.



110 Dixie ST Suite 100

Carrollton, GA 30117



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Over the Phone

Give us a call in the office and we can help guide you.



By Email

Drop us an email and we will be glad to answer your questions.


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